ddrSetup is part of ccConvert and Net-X-Code Server software. ddrSetup is a command line tool that can do basic configurations for various Drastic software as well as command line licensing for headless servers via terminal/telnet/ssh/etc.
ddrSetup is part of ccConvert and Net-X-Code Server software. ddrSetup is a command line tool that can do basic configurations for various Drastic software as well as command line licensing for headless servers via terminal/telnet/ssh/etc.
Basic Net-X-Code Server Setup
ddrsetup -s netxcode
Enable Net-X-Code Server 4 Channel Capture
ddrsetup -s netxsdi
Setup Net-X-Convert/Net-X-Proxy
ddrsetup -s netxconvert
Setup Net-X-Code Server for eMAM (requires manual settings as well)
ddsetup -s eMAM
Generate a site code to request a license
ddrsetup -l -e
Apply the key to enable a license
ddrsetup -l -e
Check the license
ddrsetup -l
Command Line Parameters
ddrsetup - Set up DrasticDDR for specific configurations (v7.1.0.230)
(c) copyright 2012-2023, Drastic Technologies Ltd (www.drastictech.com)
Usage: ddrsetup [-qf] [-s ] [-l -n -e [-r ] ]
-q = Quiet, not screen output
-f = Force reset of settings
-s = Config to setup:
NetXSDI = Four channel Net-X-SDI
MediaNXS = Basic MediaNXS
VEFXi = VEFXi DiamondBlade with capture
StudioLog = DelTech StudioLog
NetXConvert = Drastic Net-X-Convert
NetXProxy = Drastic Net-X-Proxy
eMAM = eMAM Net-X-Code Basic Setup
bbReplay = Network camera replay
Hurricane = Full production replay
Arri = Arri T-Link capture
DisableArri = Disable Arri T-Link, set back to normal capture
AutoDetect = Auto detect and set up channels
NetworkVideoAnalyzer = IP Video from COTS NIC
-l -n "Name" -e "email" = Generate site code
-l -n "Name" -e "email" -r "response" = Authorize system
-l = Dump license status
Trademarks, Registered Trademarks, and CopyrightsTrademarks, Registered Trademarks, and Copyrights
Drastic Technologies, Ltd. – trademarks specified here.
Empress Media Asset Management (eMAM) - eMAM is a registered trademark of Empress Media Asset Management (eMAM)
Vefxi Corporation - VEFXi DiamondBlade is a registered trademark of Vefxi Corporation
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.